Improving the Timeliness of Client Service Records


Impact Statement: 
The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County (DOH-Seminole) improved the timeliness of filing Client Service Records (CSRs), positively affecting customer service and access to care.

DOH-Seminole chose to increase the percentage of CSRs entered in the Health Management System (HMS) within 7 days of when the service was provided to the client. Ranked 13 out of 15 medium-size health departments on the Central Office Administrative Snapshot (a monthly report that consists of administrative key performance indicators for all Florida DOH counties) with a 10% gap in compliance in 2015, DOH-Seminole clearly needed to make improvements. This measure is listed on the key performance indicator scorecard for the organization and affects the internal customer service Strategic Plan Priority 3: "Promote and improve access to care."

The project team used the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) approach to stratify data, identify root causes, and develop countermeasures. After countermeasures were implemented, the team saw an increase in the average percentage of CSRs filed on time, which exceeded the established target. This submission includes quality improvement (QI) tool documentation and supplemental files.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Wagner, C. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Improving the Timeliness of Client Service Records. Fri, 02/17/2017 - 14:58. Available at Accessed October 10, 2024.

Submission Status: 
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Comments's picture
Submitted by crystal.wagner@... on


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Crystal Wagner
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified
Performance and Quality Improvement Coordinator
Office of Performance and Quality Improvement
The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County's picture
Submitted by crystal.wagner@... on


0 users have voted.

Crystal Wagner
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified
Performance and Quality Improvement Coordinator
Office of Performance and Quality Improvement
The Florida Department of Health in Seminole County