Browse by Key Category

Select a key category below to view the QI Initiatives that have are a part of that category.

QI Method/Approach

Rapid Cycle Improvement (35)
SDCA Cycle (Standardize-Do-Check-Act) (1)
Nominal Group Technique (6)
Total Quality Management (1)
Kaizen (38)
Adaptive Promising Practice (1)
Lean/Six Sigma (28)
PDCA/PDSA Cycle (Plan, Do, Check/Study, Act) (181)
Model for Improvement (27)
Business Process Analysis (4)

QI Tools

No specific QI Tool (1)
Surveys (84)
Run Chart (22)
Radar Chart (6)
SMART Chart (3)
Control & Influence Plots (5)
Tree Diagram (4)
Affinity Diagram (48)
SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats)Analysis (9)
Check Sheet (16)
Histogram (8)
Force-Field Analysis (13)
Pareto Chart (24)
Control Chart (7)
Multi- Voting Technique (18)
Fishbone Diagram (110)
Brainstorming (142)
Root cause analysis (80)
Interrelationship digraph (6)
Flow chart (91)
Five whys (65)
PDPC (Process Decision Program Chart) (3)
Cause and Effect Diagrams (58)
Process maps (95)
Prioritization Matrix (51)

Project Timeframe

Between 12-18 months (16)
Between 6-12 months (107)
Greater than 24 months (13)
Between 18-24 months (16)
Less than 6 months (44)

Organization Type

Local Health Department, Multi-County (14)
Tribal Health Department (2)
Public Health Institute (3)
Local Health Department (30)
Local Health Department, Multi-City (1)
Local Health Department, City-County (16)
Local Health Department, City/Town (10)
State Health Department (30)
Local Health Department, County (96)

Population Size

25,000 to 49,999 (25)
Less than 24,499 (10)
50,000 to 99,999 (20)
100,000 to 249,999 (48)
250,000 to 499,999 (32)
1,000,000 + (36)
500,000 to 999,999 (22)

Screening for diseases/conditions

Blood lead (1)
Other STDs (7)
Tuberculosis (2)
Cancer (1)

Organizational Level of QI Implementation

7-10 Initiatives (28)
More than 20 Initiatives (3)
1-3 Initiatives (84)
11-20 Initiatives (18)
None (4)
4-6 Initiatives (64)


Adult Immunizations- vaccine order management and inventory distribution (2)
Adult Immunizations- administration of vaccine to population (7)
Childhood Immunizations- vaccine order management and inventory distribution (2)
Childhood Immunizations- administration of vaccine to population (14)
International travel immunizations- vaccine order management and inventory distribution (2)
International travel immunizations- administration of vaccine to population (2)

Disease Treatment Services

Coronary heart disease (1)
Diabetes (3)
Other cancers (1)
High blood pressure (3)
Other STDs (5)
Tuberculosis (3)
Asthma (2)


Contracting (2)
Innovation (2)
Communications (21)
Policies / internal procedures and processes (43)
Capacity Development (14)
Media Production (3)
Quality Improvement and Accreditation Readiness (34)
Parking (1)
Customer Service/satisfaction (36)
Financial management (11)
Accreditation (5)
Workforce development (16)
Organizational effectiveness (39)
General security (1)
Infrastructure (7)
Performance Management (14)
Accounting (4)
Data collection and management/Information Technology (25)
Public Health Policy and Health reform (1)
Purchasing (5)
Agreements/MOUs/MOAs/Contracts (2)
Procurement (2)
Research (3)
Human Resources (5)
Department management (6)

Data collection, Epidemiology and Surveillance

Foodborne illness (5)
Behavioral risk factors (2)
Uninsured, outreach and enrollment for medical insurance (2)
Environmental health (23)
Chronic diseases (3)
Maternal and child health (13)
Reportable diseases (10)
Cancer incidence (1)
Communicable/infection diseases (16)
Injury (3)
Vital statistics (6)
Morbidity data (3)

Level of QI Activity

Informal QI (43)
QI Culture (26)
Formal Agency Wide QI (45)
Formal QI in Specific Areas (81)
QI Community (7)

Maternal and Child Health Services

Comprehensive primary care clinics for children (2)
Children with special health care needs (4)
MCH home visits (9)
WIC (17)
Family planning (6)
Prenatal care (15)
Early intervention services for children (6)
Comprehensive school health clinical services (1)
Child nutrition (daycare providers) (1)
Non-WIC nutrition assessment and counseling (1)
School health services (non-clinical) (2)
Obstetrical care (2)

Other Environmental Health Services

Disaster/Emergency Preparedness (3)
Hazardous waste disposal (2)
Animal control (4)
Food borne illness investigation (5)
Environmental epidemiology (3)
Indoor air quality (3)
Poison control (1)
Food safety education (9)
Nuisance complaints (1)
Mosquito control (1)
Outdoor air quality regulations (1)
Private water supply safety (3)
Public water supply safety (2)
Surface water protection (2)
Vector control (4)
Groundwater protection (1)
Collection of unused pharmaceuticals (1)

Other Health Services provided to individuals

Mental/behavioral health services (1)
Substance abuse education and prevention services (1)
Substance abuse treatment services (1)
Home health care (1)
Pharmacy (1)
Oral Health (1)
Rural health (1)
Child protection services/medical evaluation (1)

Other Public Health Services

Access to care (27)
Animal control (3)
Outreach and enrollment for medical insurance (include Medicaid) (2)
Laboratory services (3)
School-based clinics (1)
School health (2)
Vital records (4)
Collaboration / resource sharing (10)
Medical examiner’s office (1)

Population-based Primary Prevention

Sex education (1)
Unintended pregnancy (3)
Injury (2)
Asthma (2)
Tobacco (8)
Diabetes (1)
Sexually transmitted disease counseling (4)
Hypertension (1)
Nutrition (6)
Substance abuse (1)
Physical activity (4)
HIV (1)
Chronic disease programs (3)

Professional licensure

Physicians (1)
Nurses (any level) (4)

Registry maintenance

Cancer (1)
Childhood Immunization (6)

Regulation, inspection and/or licensing

Septic systems (2)
Swimming pools (public) (2)
Childcare facilities (1)
Public drinking water (1)
Assisted Living (1)
Health-related facilities (1)
Hospitals (1)
Private drinking water (1)
Temporary/mobile food vendors (1)
Local public health agencies (1)
Food service establishments (14)

State/Territory laboratory services

Newborn screening (1)
Influenza typing (1)
Blood lead screening (1)