Agency QI Plans

Quality Improvement (QI) is critical for the ongoing success of any organization, including public health departments. To assure this success, agency QI Plans are developed to describe the quality improvement strategies and activities of the organization. To create and sustain QI gains, a sound infrastructure is needed. Part of creating this infrastructure involves writing, updating, and implementing a QI Plan.  This plan is guided by the Department's vision, mission, strategic plan, and health improvement plan, along with being a requirement for accreditation under Public Health Accreditation Board standards and measures (9.2.1)  However, the true worth of quality improvement, is in the improvement results themselves and the positive difference this has upon both the organization and those whom it serves.
In the PHQIX Community Forum, many people expressed an interest in Agency QI plans from public health departments. We have received agency QI plans from several health departments and they are featured below. Some accredited health departments also readily agreed to share their reviewer comments. Our Partners at NACCHO also publish Agency QI Plan examples, and they can be seen here.
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention QI Plan

The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC), an Office within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is committed to continuously improving the quality of its public health practices and operations. Staff members at all levels are expected to be committed to this goal. This Quality Improvement (QI) Plan describes a five-year strategy toward building a culture of quality within the Agency. This plan aligns with the DHHS goal to "Improve Individual and Public Health," Maine CDC's Strategic Goals and Objectives, and the national Public Health Accreditation Board's (PHAB) standards for quality improvement.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Williams County Health District QI Plan

The Williams County Health District is committed to protecting and improving the health, safety, and well-being of the residents of our community. The purpose of this Quality Improvement (QI) Plan is to ensure that the principles of quality improvement are incorporated throughout the agency, create a culture of quality, and that review and reporting of surveys, audits, and QI activities are consistent among divisions. The QI plan provides the framework for:

  • improvement of service,
  • development of new programs/services, and
  • establishment of performance measurement and reporting mechanisms.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Alaska Division of Public Health QI Plan

The purpose of the Alaska Division of Public Health (DPH, Division) Quality Improvement (QI) Plan is to provide a context and framework that will assure an environment and culture of continuous quality improvement (QI) throughout the Division. Successful implementation of this plan will increase efficiency and effectiveness of activities within the division, increasing DPH's ability to protect and promote the health of Alaskans and Alaska communities across the state.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Cabarrus Health Alliance QI Plan

The Cabarrus Health Alliance Mission is To Achieve the Highest Level of Individual and Community Health through Collaboration. The Cabarrus Health Alliance Board and leadership have a duty to carry out the mission of the Cabarrus Health Alliance in a manner that ensures laws and regulations of the state of North Carolina and Cabarrus County ordinances are upheld, that clinical care is provided according to the current standard of care, and that population health programs are conducted for demonstrated community need, with attention to the requirements of funders and the recommendations of relevant advisory bodies.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Oklahoma State Department of Health QI Plan

The purpose of the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Quality Improvement Plan is to assure an environment and culture of continuous quality improvement (QI) for all programs, projects, and activities initiated in our agency. Its main objectives are to: use data to identify and analyze problems; develop informed solutions based upon data and analysis; engage stakeholders and customers; focus on the needs of the customer; train and involve employees impacted by the improvement opportunity; monitor and measure results; act and make decisions based upon results; and continually make improvements over time.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Spokane Regional Health District QI Plan

By providing a shared vision that can serve as an effective guide to set the stage for quality management, we hope to encourage a quality organizational culture that emphasizes learning, teamwork and customer focus; strives for institutional excellence and staff empowerment; and total quality and human resource management. As we achieve greater excellence standards, the more we hope to engrain and reinforce an enduring culture of quality improvement and excellence, which will show via improved quality of outcomes and services.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.

Washington State Department of Health QI Plan

DOH is committed to a quality improvement (QI) program as a proven way to enhance our organization's performance and achieve desired results. A high-performing, quality improvement organization actively changes the way business is done by:

  • focusing on the needs of the customer
  • using data to analyze problems and performance concerns
  • involving employees who know and are impacted by the improvement opportunity
  • developing solutions and improvements based on analysis
  • engaging customers and stakeholders
  • implementing improvements based on data
  • monitoring and evaluating performance
  • continually making improvements over time

Quality Improvement is a continuing cycle of measurement, analysis, and improvement.

This current plan builds on past efforts at the DOH. This update is an opportunity to assess the progress the agency has made, reinforce what's working well, and improve in those areas of implementation which are lacking.

Click on the image above to view complete QI plan.