New QI Spotlight Article: I Was Just Hired as Performance Improvement Professional - Now What?

Thursday, August 23, 2018 - PHQIX occasionally publishes Spotlight articles that provide practical guidance for conducting QI in public health. Our latest article provides onboarding, development, and advancement tips for new PI professionals.

I Was Just Hired as a Performance Improvement Professional - Now What? 
"For health departments wanting to pursue public health accreditation or simply improve the quality of their services, it is essential to hire an employee dedicated to holding the agency accountable for these efforts. According to the 2016 National Profile of Local Health Departments, only 35% of local health departments had a staff member dedicated to QI. Most people leading an agency's improvement efforts have a large scope, ranging from accreditation to QI to performance management. In this article, we will refer to this role as a performance improvement professional." Click here to read the entire article. 
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