Improving Notifications on the KIDSNET System


Impact Statement: 
The Rhode Island Department of Health improved the timeliness of data entry for early intervention (EI) services which enhanced appropriate and prompt preventive health services and follow-up care. Delayed entry of Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) by outside agencies into the KIDSNET system has a negative impact on children's health and educational outcomes and is an inefficient use of valuable resources. The first process change tested yielded an increase of IFSP dates entered within 30 days in 2014—from 45% to 64%. The team will continue to test additional changes.

KIDSNET is a tool to help assist health care coordination. It facilitates the collection and appropriate sharing of health data by authorized users for the provision of timely and appropriate preventive health services and follow-up.

The first step that the quality improvement (QI) team took to accomplish the goal of this initiative was to review the EI policies and procedures that were already in place. The team worked with EI Agency A to review the data entry process into Welligent (the data system used by the EI agencies). Agency A is one of 11 EI agencies in Rhode Island and was selected to be part of the initiative because it had the largest number of delayed IFSP dates entered into KIDSNET. The team then had the agency eliminate the supervisor review step needed for data entry of referral and IFSP dates. The team analyzed whether this process change resulted in improvement.

The initiative introduced a process change (eliminating the supervisor review step) that resulted in exceeding the goal—from 45% to 64%. The program continues, however, to work to implement an electronic transfer process to automate the data submission for all agencies. This measure will be monitored to determine the need to work on other process improvements. The tangible products of this QI project are a storyboard and a PowerPoint presentation about the project and a reporting protocol.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 
Rhode Island Department of Health

Votta, MPH, C. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Improving Notifications on the KIDSNET System. Thu, 10/19/2017 - 14:14. Available at Accessed July 27, 2024.

Submission Status: 
In Progress
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