Posting Your Agency QI Plan

prusso's picture
Thu, 11/15/2012 - 14:01 -- prusso

Today on COPPHI QI awardee webinar, one participant asked for a place on phQix for departments to share their agency QI plans, which is of course a PHAB measure! Would you like to have a place where people could upload these and you could check them out? Would you post yours?

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sharpjulie's picture
Submitted by sharpjulie on

I think that we would be interested in posting our QI plan. As accreditation progresses, it would be good to know PHABs response on the respective plans as well.

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jmckeever's picture
Submitted by jmckeever on

If I see responses to that question, I'll make sure to post it!

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Submitted by joycem on

This could be helpful to many as they are creating quality improvement plans for their department and/or preparing for accreditation.

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Submitted by cdhotchkiss on

I agree. It would be fabulous to have a place to upload our own agency QI Plans and to see QI plans from other agencies. There's no need to re-invent the wheel so if there's a place to share, we could all help each other.

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Cindy Hotchkiss
Missoula City-County Health Department
Missoula, MT

drew hanchett's picture
Submitted by drew hanchett on

I'd be happy to post ours when complete (Hopefully Q1 2013!)...we'd want to be sure postings of plans designate if they are for a local, tribal, territorial or state agency.

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jpina's picture
Submitted by jpina on

This is a great idea everyone! Currently, submitters to PHQIX can upload supporting documents with their submissions, and an agency QI planning document could be included there. Would you want to see these kinds of documents associated with published QI initiatives as an addition, or in a separate place?

If we were to create a separate place for agency QI planning documents on phqix, we first have to do some planning for how this information would be organized and managed. Would someone be willing to send me an example of a planning document?


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Submitted by mbuchelli on

I would be very interested in this. I would need to make sure that our is up to date. I would be great to organizize by public health area or topic.

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Marianne Buchelli

Submitted by ashleyhart on

I work in the San Joaquin Valley in California with the 8 local public health departments and I am assisting them with PHAB accreditation as well as other PMQI initiatives and would be very interested in seeing real-life examples in order to better help the health departments.

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jessica.remington's picture
Submitted by jessica.remington on

I would also be interested in seeing other agency QI plans as well. Once we have ours developed we may be interested in sharing as well.

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Submitted by Georgianna on

Our newly-minted QI team is in self-education mode, and will be tackling the QI plan in 3 weeks. We are starting with a sample plan that we found on NACCHO's website. Happy to post our version of it once it's complete.

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Georgianna Wood
Accreditation Coordinator
Humboldt County DHHS Public Health

Submitted by ahughes on

Our agency might be interested in sharing our QI Plan and I'd love to see other organization's plans.

Alex Hughes
City of Portland Maine, Public Health Division

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Submitted by rpope on

We are currrently in the process of developing our QI Plan and would greatly appreciate what other LHD's have created and use some of the other great concepts that are already out there. We will share ours as soon as it is completed. I am just curious how others have developed a QI Plan that has structure but is not rigid, so that quality improvement can be fluid and grow.

Ross Pope
Mid-Michigan District Health Department

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Submitted by Jne310 on

This would be great. I think templates are wonderful as long as people don't just copy and paste--and really dive into what works and wouldn't work for their agencies.

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C. Janie Cambron, RS, BS, MPH
Program Manager, EnviroHealthLink, Kentucky's Environmental PH Tracking Network
Kentucky Department for Public Health
Phone: 502-564-4537 ext. 4088;

jpina's picture
Submitted by jpina on

Thanks to all of you for weighing in on this! We are now actively working on acquiring and posting agency QI plans. We'll post news once they are available.

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prusso's picture
Submitted by prusso on

As of today, four accredited health departments are sharing their QI plans and reviewer comments with PHQIX! Thank you Spokane, Washington State, Cabarrus Health, and Oklahoma State! PHQIX is preparing these for posting and will likely launch at COPPHI Open Forum meeting in Milwaukee in early June.....

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Submitted by victoria bailey on

Here at ATCHHSD we will be updating our QI Plan and an opportunity to see the plans from these accredited health departments will be an asset to our efforts.

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Vicky Bailey

renski's picture
Submitted by renski on

Yes, I would be happy to share our QI Plan.

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Renee Shalosky, MSN, RN, CPHQ
Clinical QI Program Manager
Columbus Public Health

cgizzi's picture
Submitted by cgizzi on

We would be happy to share our 2012-13 QI plan. We also recently developed a companion document that includes objectives and activities specifically focused on building a quality culture at our agency. I'm happy to share that as well.

Cindan Gizzi
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department

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jpina's picture
Submitted by jpina on

We have posted Agency QI plans from 4 accreddited public health departments here.

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