QI Leaders Academy Kaizen Program: Referral to Care
DCHS launched an electronic internal referral system on November 2, 2015, and a services directory on October 1, 2015. The referral system, standardized process, and services directory have been created to educate staff on the variety of services available to their clients, and to improve and standardize interdepartmental customer referrals. This process allows the Public Health and Behavioral Health divisions to efficiently and rapidly respond to clients who present with health concerns in another program and to effectively assist customers in navigating other appropriate department services. This process helps clients receive consistency of experience and quality care, increases the number of integrated interdepartmental referrals across and within DCHS, and increases efficiency and collaboration of services. The process also helps to provide consistency of experience for clients and the community. This process will enable more fully integrated community health services and enhance the customer service experience.
Lindsay, C. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. QI Leaders Academy Kaizen Program: Referral to Care. Tue, 05/24/2016 - 22:32. Available at http://www.phqix.org/content/qi-leaders-academy-kaizen-program-referral-care. Accessed October 10, 2024.
I would be interested to know
I would be interested to know more about the electronic referral system. Did you have to create a new system or were you able to more efficiently use a system that already existed?
Margy Robinson MPH
HIV Care Services Mgr.
Multnomah County Health Dept.
Portland, OR
We used SharePoint to create
We used SharePoint to create an internal referral process. Although this did not previously exist in SharePoint, our IT department helped create the form and workflow in SharePoint.
Channa Lindsay