Information on Health Navigators

Jill Almond's picture
Thu, 06/22/2017 - 09:24 -- Jill Almond

Hello everyone,


Does anyone use Health Navigators in their agency?  I need a "crash course" on understanding this role and its effectiveness.



Jill Almond

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Submitted by tkane on


I assume you're referring to a "community health worker" (frontline health worker that understands the community they serve), not an ACA Marketplace Navigator (helps consumers understand and find affordable coverage options)? Assuming the former, below are a few highlights from CHW efforts in Kansas.  Also, I've spread the word about your post w/ some colleagues that are involved in CHW activities. I hope you get the information you're looking for, specifically, examples of CHWs in the health department setting. 

From the Healthcare Foundation of Greater Kansas City:

From the Community Health Council of Wyandotte County:

From Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, MO:


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Submitted by alissarankin on

Hello Jill.

My colleague, Ty, has answered your question quite well. I would completely agree with him that an ACA Marketplace Navigator helps individuals find and sign up for health coverage options through the ACA Marketplace. You can see the definition on here:

Sometimes, Community Health Workers are also referred to as Health Navigators. While they may provide information about how to access the ACA Marketplace, they are not always trained in the same manner as ACA Navigators. The CHWs also may provide a wide range of services, ultimately acting as a culturally-competent link between the health and social service systems. CHWs are most effective when they are a trusted member of the community they serve or are from the community. You can see the American Public Health Association's descriptiono of a CHW here:

Please let me know if you have other questions or if you need more information!


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Alissa Rankin, MPH, CHES
Center for Public Health Initiatives
Community Engagement Institute
Wichita State University