Measure 7.2.1 A Convene and/or participate in a collaborative process to establish strategies to improve access to health care services
El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency Completed Impact Statement: El Dorado County Health and Human Services Agency used a Kaizen event to improve customer satisfaction and reduce labor time in the County “request for information” process. The results of the project mean better and faster information to the incoming caller, so they can make more informed... |
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, Maternal and Child Health Section Completed Impact Statement: Staff from Oregon MothersCare conducted a QI project to improve their processes for prenatal care, which led to decreased errors in tracking and faster flow through the system so that pregnant women received services in a more timely manner. Access to prenatal care was also improved. |
CDHD Completed Impact Statement: A local health department increased early enrollment of pregnant women in smoking cessation programs to reduce risks of pregnancy complications, premature delivery, and their infants being low-birth weight, stillborn, or dying from SIDS. |
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Completed Impact Statement: To improve the reach of chronic disease management in Nebraska, an evidence-based chronic disease self-management program, Living Well, was implemented using awareness and communication techniques in Lancaster and Buffalo counties to improve participants' ability to manage their health... |
SC DHEC Region 2 Completed Impact Statement: Although located in an area with significant need for teen family planning services, a public health teen clinic in Spartanburg County had low rates of use. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control followed a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) approach and used QI tools to understand... |
City of Portland Public Health Division Completed Impact Statement: This health department found the root cause of the high HIV clinic “no show” to be out of date patient contact information. They developed a simple and timely patient contact update process that dropped the “no show” rate dramatically in 8 weeks. |
Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department Completed Impact Statement: The health department was concerned about a falling rate of visits by homeless people to the federally funded Health Care for Homeless project despite an increase in the homeless population. They investigated the causes and made several changes including implementing a process for walk-in service... |