Maternal and child health
LCPH Completed Impact Statement: Lorain County Public Health (LCPH) used QI to improve the efficiency of its prenatal/newborn home visiting performance management system, with the result of freeing time that nurses could devote to providing the service, while also improving the quality and utility of the information provided. |
BCPHD Completed Impact Statement: Butte County Public Health Department (BCPHD) in California used QI to expedite the annual medical review (AMR) process for eligibility into the California Children's Services (CCS) program. More children and their families now have improved access to these specialty health care services. |
Minnesota Department of Health Completed Impact Statement: The Minnesota Department of Health Birth Defects Monitoring and Analysis Program used a Kaizen event to streamline the process for identifying children with birth defects, decrease the median time from 49 to 37 days, and decrease the maximum time by 53%. Families may now be linked faster to... |
Rhode Island Department of Health In Progress Impact Statement: The Rhode Island Department of Health improved the timeliness of data entry for early intervention (EI) services which enhanced appropriate and prompt preventive health services and follow-up care. Delayed entry of Individual Family Service Plans (IFSPs) by outside agencies into the KIDSNET system... |
North Carolina Division of Public Health Completed Impact Statement: NC Division of Public Health streamlined data collection and improved the quality of reportable data in their Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program resulting in greater use of these data to improve services to children and families. |
DHMH Completed Impact Statement: The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene partnered with its local health departments and WIC clinics to increase the number of WIC clients referred to and receiving appropriate services to meet their needs. |
ADHS Completed Impact Statement: Home visiting programs are an important intervention to improve the health of women and children, but they are generally done in programmatic silos. A state health department used QI to improve the process and systematically address both chronic disease and environmental health risk factors... |
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, Maternal and Child Health Section Completed Impact Statement: Staff from Oregon MothersCare conducted a QI project to improve their processes for prenatal care, which led to decreased errors in tracking and faster flow through the system so that pregnant women received services in a more timely manner. Access to prenatal care was also improved. |
RiverStone Health Completed Impact Statement: WIC enrollment is well below the eligible population in Yellowstone, MT, and a substantial number of those enrolled do not regularly pick up their food coupons, resulting in automatic disenrollment and loss of benefits. Utilizing PDCA, RiverStone Health addressed the root causes of the drop off in... |
Salt Lake County Health Department Completed Impact Statement: Due to a variety of barriers, including inefficient flow of clients during WIC visits, eligible families were not engaging with WIC services. The clinics at this health department improved their processes and exceeded their initial goals, allowing many more families to be able to eat well and be... |
Barron County Department of Health and Human Services Completed Impact Statement: A local health department noted a high rate of early post-partum unintended pregnancies among women in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, and used QI to identify three interventions to reduce the rate. |
OCHD Completed Impact Statement: A systematic 9- step approach to manage access to prenatal care was the key to improving access to medical exams within the first 2 weeks of a positive pregnancy test. This systematic approach removed previous barriers that caused a delay in the process from pregnancy testing to initial medical... |
Health Promotion Strategies, LLC Completed Impact Statement: This mixed semi-urban and rural county had the lowest rate of kindergartners completely immunized in New York State (89%), with baseline data for the immunization rates among schools in the county ranging from 15.4% to 90%. The QI initiative aimed to improve the immunization rate for children... |