Using QI to Address a Citywide Need for Improving How Bostonians Affected by Substance Abuse Disorders Seek Treatment and Other Recovery Support Services


Impact Statement: 
This big city health department used QI to improve their intake processes and obtained dramatic results in connecting the highest risk people with substance use disorders to existing city services, which in turn results in improved outcomes for individuals who are homeless, have co-occurring health or mental health concerns, use a disproportionate amount of emergency services and who are in general the hardest to help.
The project’s goal was to address a citywide need for improving how people in Boston affected by substance use disorders are connected to a wide range of services that could help them achieve sobriety; reduce harm; address pressing health and mental health concerns; or find a place to live, a job, protection from violence, or other support. The implementation of the quality improvement (QI) initiative occurred within the Bureau of Addictions Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Support Services Providing Access to Addictions Treatment, Hope and Support (PAATHS) program. PAATHS is marketed to the community as a one-stop shop for individuals and families looking for information about, or access to, substance abuse treatment and other recovery support services. Through this QI initiative, PAATHS has developed new procedures, which have allowed the case manager/public health advocates to meet with a greater number of clients and to enhance relationships with external partners, resulting in an increased ability to provide linkages to care. Overall, because of this project, the program has improved outcomes for clients of greatest concern, who are the high utilizers of services—individuals who are homeless, have co-occurring health or mental health concerns, use a disproportionate amount of emergency services, and are generally the hardest to help.
Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Cardenas, Y. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Using QI to Address a Citywide Need for Improving How Bostonians Affected by Substance Abuse Disorders Seek Treatment and Other Recovery Support Services. Thu, 05/14/2015 - 16:35. Available at Accessed November 11, 2024.

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