The Jefferson County Department of Health in Birmingham, Alabama is preparing a request for proposals (RFPs) for a proprietary Performance Management software or platform. If your health departments has purchased software for this purpose, would you be willing to share the criteria or RFPs your organization used in your search? We would also appreciate information about the system you use and your satisfaction with it. Thank you for any help you can provide.
We recently started using
We recently started using AchieveIt ( to track progress on department and program metrics, action plans, and te strategic plan.
Channa Lindsay
Hi Bryn,
Hi Bryn,
My agency used the balanced scorecard framework to start (8-years ago), but now has converted it to an excel document. We use it to track agency-wide strategic initiatives and program-specific metrics. We have a separate system to track individual employee performance, but the metrics are alligned with program and agency metrics. Everyone seems to be satisfied with the ease of use, however, we are in the process of updating our metrics.
You may also find these other community forum threads helpful:
Along with this recently published QI project:
Gurleen Roberts, MPH
Director of Quality Management
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Marietta, GA
We are in the process of
We are in the process of fully implementing VMSG by Knowledge Capital Alliance, a cloud based performance management sofware. I found this product in a video by Maricopa Cty HD on PHQIX. Great price point and a great, user friendly (for most folks) tool. As a bonus, the developer has been super responsive to our suggested enhancements. I like the way it allows you to visually manage performance metrics. We did not do a formal RFQ for this purchase.
You can find info at or look up the PHQIX video from Maricopa (you have to scroll down a number of videos to find it).
Please feel free to contract me directly if you'd like to see what we've done with it so far.
Tracey Kellogg, CPA
Finance & Performance Manager
Kitsap Public Health District
Tracey Kellogg, CPA
Kitsap Public Health District
Check out Klipfolip
Check out Klipfolip (, Bryn.
Nancy Crewe, Madison County Health Department, Richmond, KY
Hi Bryn, can you please
Hi Bryn, can you please provide me with your email? I was hoping I could get some information on the RFPs you have collected, or if you could provide an update to the thread on any progress that you have made on this initiative. My agency is also looking to switch to another PM system and would benefit and appreciate from your input. Thanks!
Gurleen Roberts, MPH
Director of Quality Management
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Marietta, GA
Thanks everyone for your
Thanks everyone for your recommendations and advice. I am finalizing our RFP this week. One of our criteria will be integration of data from existing data systems such as our financial system and environmental health systems.
Bryn Manzella, MPH
Director of Quality Improvement
Jefferson County Department of Health
1400 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
Hey Bryn, another PM system
Hey Bryn, another PM system we came across is called InsightVision and is very impressive! How is your RFP process going?
Gurleen Roberts, MPH
Director of Quality Management
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Marietta, GA
Following. Interested in
Following. Interested in updates/what others are using.
We too are looking for a new system. We have an access based system for inputting our logic models and reporting outputs that NO ONE at the agency likes plus we submit separate excel based dashboards.
I am familiar with a program
I am familiar with a program called WePlanWell. I can't endorse it (b/c of my lack of experience using the program) but I do know that the program is capable of supporting a health department performance management system.
I can get you in touch with a couple of LHD directors who have experience with the program if you send me a message thru PHQIX by clicking on the "Community" tab then "Messages" at the top of your screen.
Ty Kane