Reducing Residential Facilities Licensing Office Time


Impact Statement: 
A state health department used LEAN tools to improve customer service by streamlining the process for reviewing licensure applications for residential facilities, reducing the average time from 50 to 17 calendar days.

To improve customer satisfaction when issuing residential health care institution (Residential Facility) licenses, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) completed a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) project aimed at reducing application processing office time. In July 2017, the average office time at ADHS for processing initial and change of ownership (CHOW) applications for Residential Facility licenses was 50 calendar days. Because processing time greatly impacts the customer experience, the Bureau of Residential Facilities Licensing (BRFL) made a goal to improve and streamline the licensing process by reducing the ADHS contributed lead time for issuance of a license to 22 calendar days or less by June 2018. With a continued focus on workflow improvements and caseload prioritization, the BRFL team exceeded their target. Residential Facility application processing office time was reduced to 17 calendar days in June 2018.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 
Arizona Department of Health Services

Poynter, H. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Reducing Residential Facilities Licensing Office Time. Fri, 08/31/2018 - 22:20. Available at Accessed September 14, 2024.

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