QI/PM Staff Survey

Sat, 10/28/2017 - 16:36 -- gkroberts

We have conducted the NACCHO Culture of Quality Survey and the Turning Point Performance Management Survey with our Leadership Team and Quality Council for a few years. Moving forward, we wanted to survey the entire staff to get a better sense of where we are with QI and PM, but these two assessments are way too long.

Does anyone have a short (5 minute) QI/PM survey that they send their entire staff that they would be willing to share?

How often do you send it?

Is it better to randomly select the participants rather than sending to the entire staff?

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Submitted by CCinKy on

We have also used the Turning Point and NACCHO's Culture of Quality Self Assessment Tool with leadership and the QI Committee at regular intervals for many years. As you mentioned, these are lengthy instruments and difficult to administer to all staff.

A few years ago we electronically administered NACCHO's Culture of Quality survey to all staff by breaking it into segments based on the sub-elements. All sub-elements were completed separately and then results were combined and reviewed. With this method, staff only completed 10-15 questions at a time (manageable) but there were drawbacks to conducting the assessment in this manner. I'm happy to elaborate if you'd like to contact me directly. 

In 2016, we used the QI maturity tool (Joly) - it is a much shorter (30 question) survey. We plan to use this again in 2018. 




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Carrie Conia
Technical Consultant, Accreditation Coordinator
Green River District Health Department

Submitted by pverma on

NACCHO recently released a couple of new resources which provide additional guidance around administering the QI SAT, including a facilitator guide and canned PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concepts to staff. They can be accessed here


For future reference, in response to field feedback, NACCHO is currently working on a revised version of the QI SAT which will be much shorter in length. The anticipated release is Fall 2018. 

Feel free to contact me directly with questions. 

Pooja Verma

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Pooja Verma

Submitted by gkroberts on

Carrie and Pooja, thank you for your responses!

Carrie, can you please elaborate a little more on the QI maturity tool (Joly) that you mentioned? Since you plan to use this again rather than the NACCHO Culture of Quality survey, I'm interested to hear about your experience and lessons learned.

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Gurleen Roberts, MPH
Director of Quality Management
Cobb & Douglas Public Health
Marietta, GA