Increasing Client Responses to the Satisfaction Survey


Impact Statement: 
Using a QI process, the Mercer County Health Department significantly increased the number of survey responses from its customers. This feedback is used to help identify areas for improvement and thus is an important part of the health department's strategy to apply QI to its operations.

MCHD conducted its second client satisfaction survey in 2016, with a dismal response rate. The survey was open over a 2-month period, but only three surveys were actually completed. To increase the survey response rate and hopefully provide information on which to base future QI efforts, a QI team was established to determine one or more ways to significantly increase the number of responses to the client survey. The team established a charter and developed an aim statement.

The QI team quickly identified failure to adequately distribute and promote the survey as the root cause of the poor survey response. After brainstorming possible solutions, the team decided to test the effectiveness of two solutions simultaneously in two divisions of MCHD. Clinic clients were handed a tablet on which they could complete the survey electronically, and Environmental Health Division clients were given a paper copy of the survey and a self-addressed, postage-paid envelope. Over a test period of almost 2 months, both methods exceeded the goal of a 30% response rate.

Organization that conducted the QI initiative: 

Menchhofer, J. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Increasing Client Responses to the Satisfaction Survey. Tue, 05/15/2018 - 10:58. Available at Accessed October 10, 2024.

Submission Status: 
0 users have voted.


jmenchhofer's picture
Submitted by jmenchhofer on

This is a relatively simple QI project, but is our best "textbook" example so far, since we are still very new to formal QI.  Constructive criticism is welcome!

0 users have voted.

Jason Menchhofer, R.S.
Sanitarian/Accreditation Coordinator
Mercer County Health District
Celina, OH

Becky Henry's picture
Submitted by Becky Henry on

Good job!  seems like you hit on all the essential components - simple or not, it's clear that you learned and experienced the QI process.  the additional areas for improvement you mentioned seem like good next steps as well.  

0 users have voted.

Becky Henry
Performance Improvement Coordinator
Maricopa County Department of Public Health
Office of Performance Improvement

jmenchhofer's picture
Submitted by jmenchhofer on

Thanks, Becky.  It was good to work through the process, and it felt like we were doing it "right", but a little affirmation never hurts!

0 users have voted.

Jason Menchhofer, R.S.
Sanitarian/Accreditation Coordinator
Mercer County Health District
Celina, OH

baberg0124's picture
Submitted by baberg0124 on

How did your team decide on the AIM of 30% return rate?

0 users have voted.

Bethany Bjorklund RN, BSN
Immunization Nurse
Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health

jmenchhofer's picture
Submitted by jmenchhofer on
Bethany, As I recall, we just wanted to pick a goal that was substantially higher than the response rate of our previous survey, but still reasonably attainable. It wasn't a very scientific approach!
0 users have voted.

Jason Menchhofer, R.S.
Sanitarian/Accreditation Coordinator
Mercer County Health District
Celina, OH

Link to the resource where this submission is also published: 