Improving 5A's Tobacco Cessation Counseling Usage in Adult Clients of the Health Department
The Cleveland County Health Department (CCHD) conducted a quality improvement (QI) project to increase the use of the 5A's Tobacco Cessation Counseling program among health department clients. The project aim statement was to increase the percentage of completed 5A’s Tobacco Cessation Counseling forms from baseline to 90% in all adult Children First clients and all adult clinic clients with a chart. Through the project, many process improvement suggestions were obtained from the nursing and clerical staff involved in the 5A's process, which were then tested and implemented through rapid Plan-Do-Check-Ask (PDCA) cycles. By the end of the project, completion rates increased to 92%. In addition, morale improved, buy-in from the clerical and nursing staff implementing the 5A's program within the health department was gained, and QI knowledge among staff throughout the health department improved.
James, A. Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. Improving 5A's Tobacco Cessation Counseling Usage in Adult Clients of the Health Department. Thu, 11/07/2013 - 15:13. Available at Accessed September 15, 2024.
Great process map for this
Great process map for this project! Really liked the red boxes at the bottom of each page with process value-added steps and insights. What software was used to create these maps?
Public Health Services Manager
Clark County Health Department, KY
These were created in Excel,
These were created in Excel, but PowerPoint has also been very useful in creating similar process maps.
Sarah Ashmore
Accreditation Coordinator
Cleveland & McClain County Health Departments
Norman, OK