Post QI Project Reflection & Follow-up

Wed, 05/24/2017 - 14:58 -- madamalak
Becky Henry from Maricopa County Department of Public Health recently asked the following question related to QI Project Follow-up that we thought would be helpful to share on PHQIX. I'd love to hear what others' experiences have been with formal follow up meetings after QI projects have been completed. For example, after a QI project is completed and the AIM has been achieved, what have you found useful by way of post project follow up? Do you pull the team back together periodically to review maintenance of results? Or is this just done by the process owner as part of performance management? I've heard of some organizations doing a formal project check in with the whole team at 30, 60 and 90 days post project and just wondered what others have found useful (or not useful). I'd love to see any agenda templates or reflection questions too if anyone uses something consistent for this purpose.
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